Walk His Land LLC
Holy Land Pilgrimage
Following in the
Footsteps of Jesus
Dec 1 - 9, 2019
from Atlanta tips included
**advance booking $4129
Priest to be announced.
It is our mission to bring Pilgrims to the Holy Land and other sacred places of the Bible. With our Pilgrimages you will
receive a renewed peace with every step
of your journey. The Spiritual Leader will guide us in prayer, to enrich your trip in sharing the Word of God through
reflection and personal experiences. You will come back with memories
to cherish a lifetime.
cancelled due to family medical commitments
Walk His Land LLC
Nov 27- Dec 5, 2018 9 days $3899 **
complete reservation form and mail to
Walk His Land, LLC
107 Caravelle Ct.
Byron GA 31008
478.808.8067 call for fax number
Please reserve _______ space (s) on this trip. Enclosed please find deposit of ______ ($300 per person) Make check, cashiers check, or money order payable to
Walk His Land LLC. Please enclose a copy of your passport with photo and name as it appears.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Name as it appears on your passport (must be valid till TBD after) Roommate is __________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________ _____ please assign me a roommate
_______________________________________________________________ _____ I prefer single room ($475)
City, State, Zip Code
** advance booking $3799
I am fully aware air fuel taxes and surcharges with the rate of exchange are
subject to change and agree if adjustment is needed I will pay the increase. signature_________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________